Thursday, April 26, 2012

Final Photos

ISO 200 F/8.0 1/200

ISO 1600 F/13 1/500

ISO 200 F/11 1/125

ISO 1600 F/7.1 1/160

ISO 200 F/5.0 1/160

ISO 400 F/20 1/200

ISO 100 F/8.0 1/200

ISO 100 F/6.3 1/100

ISO 100 F/6.3 1/100

ISO 200 F/8.0 1/160

ISO 400 F/8.0 1/200

ISO 200 F/5.6 1/125

ISO 200 F/11 1/125

ISO 400 F/14 1/200

ISO 200 F/4.5 1/100
I had a flash on the camera.

ISO 800 F/4 1/50 
I had a flash on top of the camera. 

ISO 6400 F/7.1 1/125

ISO 3200 F/5.6 30.0 Seconds

ISO 3200 F/5.6 30.0 Seconds

ISO 200 F/5.6 1/100

ISO 6400 F/7.1 1/125

ISO 3200 F/5.6 3.0 Seconds

ISO 1600 F/5.6 1/160

ISO 400 F/4.0 1/60
ISO 1600 F/5.0 1/125
I had a flash on top of the camera

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

NOT stumbleupon

Here are some pretty cool National Geographic photos I found, all by myself, and thought were pretty interesting. They are a mix of landscape and animal photos by various photographers from all over the world.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This really isn't on any of our current photography topics currently but it's so awesome I HAD to blog it, there were no other options. Enjoy

This is a Patagonia Ad. The man is in bright colors and looking down, allowing the viewer to identify with the products rather than the human. The photographer did leave a large blank space in the sky for text but Patagonia  didn't use it.

This ad is for the shoe brand Brooks, The photographer left a huge blank space and the company failed to use it properly. They text is tiny and hard to read. I also don't know why they would use a photo of a women resting to advertise how great their running shoes are.

Here is an ad for a Multimat tent, showing a family setting the tent up in their backyard. It's sweet, but not really the target market for the tent, right? A family setting the tent up in the forest would be more effective. They did do a good job to have the only bright color fabric be the tent and having the people wear cooler colors.

Here is a Black Diamond tent ad, without any text but there is room for plenty. The shovel is distracting, doesn't add to the photo and easily could have been moved.

This is a Coleman ad for a lantern. This may be my favorite of my 5 photos since it really focuses on the product and what the product can do - light up a dark area.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Once again it's time for my weekly blog, one day I swear to have something worthwhile to post. As usual I went to StumbleUpon for my blog inspiration and came back with a few links.

This site claims to be the most popular photography on SU, how they can actually prove their popularity is puzzling but the photos are still very interesting.

Then this site is much better. Most of these photos are stunning and of much better quality than the other site.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

This is a photo of Forest Westwood. For another class, I had an interview with Jaci Webb from the Gazette about life after college for art majors. My professor gave Jaci the option to assign something to us for the Gazette, she asked us to take a photo that we thought best represented Billings, MT.  Forest stands at the intersection of 24th and central whenever he has free time to ask passing strangers to smile. This sort of kindness represents Billings most days. The photo will be published next week.